From: [email protected] (Richard M. Mathews)

  SAN GREGORIO NUDE BEACH is a privately owned beach which has been CO since
  1967.  It is probably the closest CO beach for those around Palo Alto.
  It is just north of (and adjacent to) San Gregorio State Beach where
  Highway 84 (Woodside Road exit from I-280) meets the coastal Highway 1.
  The road over the coastal range is curvy and hilly, but well-paved and
  very scenic.  The nude beach has a privately-run parking lot ($2/person,
  1991 price), but you can also just park in the state beach lot, walk down
  to the sand, and walk north along the shore until you see other nudists.
| This beach is a stretch of sand over a mile long.  A disadvantage is that
  there is no "community" feeling among the beach-goers... there reportedly
  tend to be isolated pockets of folks who seem to have come together and
  who don't interact with others.  Also, it can easily be sunny 100 yards
  inland and foggy on the beach.  Pets are OK, but there are no restrooms
  or drinking water.
  	[Original from Neil E. Midkiff <[email protected]>]

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